Fatima al fihri book

She was an amazing individual to have ever existed and her legacy continues to bring about change to this day. Yes, it was a muslim woman who pioneered this effective model of higher learning coupled with the issuance of degrees of various levels. You are very welcome to post as much as you want about your own microcastpodcast if you are on ykyz or any other platform. Little muslims inspiration series yousaf, maryam on. The university has been a center for students for over 12,000 years, promoting intercultural. Fes, being the most influential cities in the muslim world has been renowned for centuries as the centre for religion and culture.

Beautiful stories of islamcomplete fatima al fihri. Fatima alfihri was an arab muslim woman who, having received an education and understanding its value, established the first ever university in fez, morocco. An education official has revealed fatima almadrassi as the founder of oujdas national school of business management encg and a modernday fatima alfihriya, who founded fezs al. Mariam, fatima s sister, was the sponsor of the al andalus mosque, also in fes.

Fatima alfihri was certainly a lady of foresightedness for the location of the university within the compounds of the mosque attracted scholars from far and wide. Her birth date is unknown, though she died in 880 a. The true story of fatima alfihri, the founder of the. The arab muslim woman who brought higher education to the. Fatima alfihri embodies the true meaning of radical change agent. Very little is known about fatima alfihri and the life she led, writes the author, osire glacier of bishops university. In this first book of the iqetab series, your children will meet fatima al fihria. Upon the death of her father, fatima inherited a large fortune. Information publishing your book with mup for librarians about. Fatima alfihri, who was born in tunisia, hailed from a welleducated family. The mosque became the largest in africa, with a capacity of 22,000. This week, were paying tribute to fatima alfihri, a woman who established the concept of a university as we know it today. Fatima alfihri founder of the oldest university in the. Fatima al fihri was the daughter of wealthy trade merchant mohammad alfihri.

Rabat one such figure is fatima bint muhammad alfihriya also known as fatima alfihri who was born from humble beginnings in a. As tunisian historian hassan hosni abdelwahab noted in his book. Sumara khan the name fatima alfihri crowns the annals of history with the distinction of having established the worlds very first university. The lady who founded the worlds first university we seek a sense of respite as we see how the iconic fatima alfihri managed to get the reputed alqarawiyyin university erected. A very intellectual, smart and generous woman of her time, fatima alfihri founded the worlds first university to continuously grant degrees, the university of alqarawiyyin, an institute that has provided education for many philosophers and scholars who went on to significantly contribute to the cumulative knowledge of humanity. The forgotten history of muslim scientists slide show. Please subscribe or login to access full text content. Qualifications affluent inspiring figurehead in the community hardworking. Fatima alfihri migrated with her family in the early ninth century from qayrawan in presentday tunisia to the city of fez in morocco. Fatima al fihri, early life ykyz microcast platform for. Fatima alfihri an amazing radical change agent to have. Fatima al fihri the founder of the worlds first university. The true story of fatima alfihri, the founder of the worlds. Although the mosques architecture is extravagant, alfihri made a point to build it modestly.

Al fihri was the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and had been educated. Public users are able to search the site and view the abstracts and keywords for each book and chapter without a subscription. When fatima alfihri was born, the abbasids of iraq loosely controlled the aghlabids of tunisia. In 859 ce, alfihri founded the university of alqarawiyyin in fes, morocco, which. Mariam, fatimas sister, was the sponsor of the alandalus mosque, also in fes. After the death of their father, fatima vowed to spend all her inheritance in building a mosque, both a place for worship and a center of learning. She was well versed in classical islamic learning such as fiqh jurisprudence and hadith islamic traditions based on the prophets life. The daughters were welleducated and devoted to their community. Ancient origins articles related to fatima alfihri in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and. Fatima alfihri migrated with her family from qayrawan in presentday tunisia to the city of fez in morocco in the early ninth century during the rule of the idrees. It was a clear sunny day when a noble family journeyed from kairouan, tuni. Fatima alfihri and her sister mariam may be compared to the abbasid leaders who commissioned buildings for the public good.

Fatima alfihri founded the worlds first university. Fatima al fihriyya, founder of worlds first university. Both ruling houses valued science, industry, and the arts. Fatima alfihri migrated with her family from qayrawan in presentday tunisia to the city. She was born into a very prestigious, wellknown family, and was well educated and rich. When her father died, he left his estate to his daughters, fatima and mariam, each of whom used the money to establish a mosque. Fatima bint muhammad alfihri umm albanin brief biography. Fatima alfihri migrated with her father mohamed alfihri and sister maram from alkairouan alqayrawan in tunisia, to fes in morocco.

Fatima used her wealth to build a great mosque and school, which some say is the worlds oldest university. She would be the perfect woman to sit on the council for change considering all that. However its the kind of book that will appeal to adults as well. Fatima al fihri the founder of the worlds first university book. Today, the guinness book of world records has recognised it to be the oldest continuously operating institution of higher learning in the world. Fatima bint muhammad alfihriya alqurashiya was an arab muslim woman who is credited for founding the university of al. Fatima bint muhammad al fihriya al qurashiya arabic.

For those who says islam prevents women for education or a muslim women are oppressed. Consider fatimas entry in a dictionary of african biography 2012 published through oxford university press. Fatima alfihri migrated with her family in the early ninth century from qayrawan. After alfihris death, the institution continued to be extended.

Fatima alfihri the founder of the worlds first university. She was determined to use the inheritance she received to benefit the community, and constructed a mosque that soon developed into a university. The name fatima crowns the annals of history with the distinction of establishing the worlds very first university. The family was part of a large migration to fes from the town of qayrawan in modern tunisia, which lent its name to the mosque and madrassa. Consider fatima s entry in a dictionary of african biography 2012 published through oxford university press.

Fatima alfihri the founder of the worlds first university book. Daughter of mohammed alfihri, fatima alfihri, also called umm al banine, mother of the boys, is known for creating the oldest academic degreegranting university in existence today, the university of qarawiyyin. After fatima alfihris husband and father died, she and her sister inherited a fortune, which they wanted to use as a contribution to the community in return for gods blessing. Founder of worlds very first university facts about. This extraordinary woman travelled from tunisia to morocco and dedicated her money to build in fes what is known today as being the oldest university in the world that has never stopped its activity. Yes, it was a muslim woman who pioneered a model of higher learning coupled with the issuance of degrees of various levels. Fatima alfihri the founder of the worlds first university goodreads.

Fatima alfihri, the founder of the worlds first university is about a nonfiction figure from islamic history. Fatima alfihri was the daughter of mohammed alfihri and was part of the families that moved from tunisia to morocco under the rule of king idriss ii. Without this woman, your favourite comic book heroes might not exist. Join faou today and earn your degree at a very low cost. An inspirational series about marvellous muslim men and women in islamic history who achieved the extraordinary. Not much is known about her early life, but sometime in the early 9 th century, fatima migrated with her father and sister from qayrawan in tunisia to fez in morocco.

Fatima alfihri founder of the 1st university youtube. From the 7th century onwards, men and women of different faiths and cultures built on knowledge from ancient civilisations making breakthroughs that have left their mark on our world. Alqarawiyyin university is still going strong alumni include fatima al kabbaj, one of its first female students, who later became the sole female member of the moroccan supreme council of religious knowledge. Fatima alfihri fatima al fihri was the daughter of wealthy trade merchant mohammad alfihri. Her family migrated from kairoun, tunisia to fes, morocco. Although the story of a woman founding a university in morocco in 859 has fascinating possibilities, this app is little more than a picture book with one touchactivated feature per page. If you have purchased a print title that contains an access token, please see the token for information about how to register your. Fatima alfihri,the founder of the first university youtube.

Fatima alfihri was a muslim woman thought of to have started one of the oldest universities in the world. Alfihri was the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and had been educated. The name fatima alfihri crowns the annals of history with the distinction of having established the worlds very first university. One such figure is fatima bint muhammad alfihriya also known as fatima alfihri who was born from humble beginnings in a. Fatima al fihri was the founder of al qarawiyyin the oldest known university in the world where scholars were granted degrees after completing their studies. Muhammad bin abdullah alfihri alquaraouiyine pronounced karaween was born in the city of alqayrawan in todays tunisia. Abu alabbas alzwawi, abu madhab alfasi, and leo africanus are some of the leading thinkers, theorists, and writers produced by alfihris university.